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Behaviour Policy

Duck Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorset, DT2 7LA


‘The Small School with the Big Heart.’


Tel: 01300 341319                              Website:



  Cerne Abbas CE VC First School

Behaviour Policy




Date of policy                Spring 2024
Date reviewed by the Governing BodyFGB 01/02/2024

Member of staff responsible in

Cerne Abbas CE VC First School

Catherine Cresswell
Review dateSpring 2025


Our vision is to be the best we can be.

We are committed to nurturing every child to thrive in a safe and engaging environment based on our Christian values of Peace, Trust, Friendship, Joy, Courage and Forgiveness. We strive to develop happy and confident learners ready to face the challenges of their next steps.

Aims of the Policy


  • To create a community based on trust, peace and friendship.
  • To understand behaviours and meet pupils with a positive approach to mitigating undesirable behaviours
  • To support children to be motivated and believe in themselves.
  • To celebrate everyone’s uniqueness and achievements.
  • To help all children to be the best they can be.
  • To encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within the school. 
  • To foster positive caring attitudes towards everyone where achievements at all levels are acknowledged and valued.
  • To encourage increasing independence and self-discipline so that each child learns to accept responsibility for his/her own behaviour. 
  • To help children reflect on their behaviour after an incident.
  • To use the PACE (Play, Accept, be Curious, Empathise) model to discuss behaviours.
  •  To have a consistent and positive approach to behaviour throughout the school with parental cooperation and involvement. 
  • To make boundaries of acceptable behaviour clear and to ensure safety.
  • To raise awareness about appropriate behaviour. 
  • To help children understand that it is OK to have both negative and positive feelings but there are boundaries to certain behaviours.


Children's responsibilities are:


  • To follow our school values.
  • To learn to the best of their abilities, and allow others to do the same.
  • To treat others with respect.
  • To listen to and take action from the instructions of the school staff.
  • To take care of property and the environment in and out of school.
  • To co-operate with other children and adults.


Staff responsibilities are:


  • To be a good role model of our values.
  • To treat all children fairly and with respect.
  • To raise children's self esteem and develop their full potential.#
  • To provide a challenging, fun and relevant curriculum.
  • To create a safe and pleasant environment, physically and emotionally.
  • To use rules and sanctions clearly and consistently.
  • To form a good relationship with parents so that all children can see that the key adults in their lives share a common aim.
  • To recognise that each is an individual.
  • To be aware of each individual’s needs.
  • To use the PACE model
  • To provide the PRRR (Protect, Regulate, Relate, Reflect) model.


The Parents' responsibilities are:


  • To make children aware of appropriate behaviour in all situations.
  • To encourage independence and self-discipline.
  • To show an interest in all that their child does in school.
  • To foster good relationships with the school.
  • Make sure their child arrives on time.
  • To support the school in the implementation of this policy.
  • To be aware of the schools values and expectations.


    Our Behaviour Policy is based on the Five Pillars of Pivotal practice 

  1. Consistent calm adult behaviour
  2. First attention for best conduct (notice the good behaviour as a priority)
  3. Relentless Routines (for example lining up with the same routine every time)
  4. Scripting difficult conversations if necessary
  5. Restorative follow up

These are taken from the book When the Adults Change, Everything Changes by Paul Dix 

We aim to ensure that adults are utterly consistent so that children know what to expect around the school.

The school has 3 rules:

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Safe

By displaying behaviours linked to these 3 rules we will create a safe and positive learning environment.


What we do to encourage good behaviour


  • We expect positive behaviour.
  • Meet and greet children at the door
  • Refer to the 3 rules
  • Use of stickers to encourage good behaviour.
  • We discourage unsociable behaviour by promoting our values.
  • We encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour.
  • We set standards of behaviour through example.
  • We praise good behaviour both privately and publicly.
  • We have a display of our values in each class.
  • Daily acts of worship where our learning and Christian values are taught.
  • Plan challenging lessons that engage children
  • Use "Team Stop" to speak to all children
  • Use a positive recognition board to encourage positive behaviours


What we do if a child misbehaves.


Whilst there may be all kinds of reasons for unacceptable behaviour by children which have nothing to do with school, teachers should be ready to reflect upon the reasons behind disruptive behaviour:


  • Is the learning of sufficient challenge and engaging?
  • Has the purpose been explained to the children?
  • Is there a real purpose for the work?
  • Is there a problem with the relationship between child and teacher?
  • Has the work been sufficiently adapted?
  • Are there ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) that need consideration?


What can be done about this? 


Is the behaviour a demand for attention? If so can you give attention before the disruption?


Do not blame the home background: there may be problems but do not stereotype children because of their family situation. All this does is lower expectations. Set high expectations and children will rise to the challenge in behaviour and in work. However we must consider ACES.


Children should be taught about appropriate noise levels: there are times when silence is needed and expected. There are times when discussion is allowed or positively encouraged. There are times when talk should be focused on the task in hand. KS1 & 2 classes use the same noise barometer to ensure consistency.



The teacher should ensure that the children know which is expected for each activity.


At the end of school, the classroom should be left tidy, the children should leave properly dressed, coats on, bags etc, the cloakrooms should be left tidy and the children should be dismissed in a controlled manner and reminded of the routine if their parent/carer is not there to meet them.


Each class has its own reward system:


Giant & Duckling Class


In our mixed Early Years setting we believe all pupils have the right to learn in a safe and secure environment where they feel listened to, appreciated and valued.  We understand that a child's behaviour is a form of response communication and will always seek to understand what happened before the behaviour. To encourage and support positive behaviour in the classroom all adults will; provide clear expectations and boundaries for acceptable behaviour, praise children’s efforts and achievements as often as possible, explain what a child should have said or done when they get it wrong, provide strategies to help children manage their feelings/behaviour and communicate children’s efforts and achievements with parents.


At the beginning of the school year the children are involved in creating our Class Charter for behaviour in the classroom, playground and around the school. The Charter specifies our rights, ‘to feel safe and happy’ alongside our responsibilities e.g. to use kind words, to look after our toys, to share with our friends, to listen to our teachers etc. The Charter is created jointly with the children so their suggestions and ideas are embedded. It is explained that it is everyone’s right to feel safe and happy at school, therefore everyone has the responsibility to follow the rules agreed in our Class Charter. The consequences for breaking our Class Charter are explained and made clear. If the Class Charter is broken, then the child loses their right to play during choosing time/join in with the activity for a short period. Children then ‘sign’ our Class Charter to show their agreement (by sticking up a thumbs up with a photograph of their face around the Charter). Our Class Charter is revisited and discussed frequently throughout the year and is always discussed when children join our setting for the first time.


Adults act as co-regulators and  continually monitor, support and guide behaviour choices during continuous provision in our EYFS classroom. Adults will support children to negotiate and problem solve when issues arise, particularly when sharing/turn taking. Children will be taught specific strategies to address conflict resolution in a safe and respectful way; using positive behaviour choices to come to a solution that ensures everyone is happy. When undesirable behaviour choices are made, that break our Class Charter, the adult will give one verbal warning before removing the child from the activity/play. They will lose 2-5 minutes of their ‘exploring time’ or play activity and will be involved in a private conversation with an adult who will explain why the behaviour was not acceptable and what they need to do next time. The child is then encouraged to make more positive choices and is quickly praised when they do so. Adults will closely observe and anticipate situations during which behaviour could deteriorate and will redirect their attention, ensuring everyone has the best chance to feel successful and to engage positively in the classroom.


Positive behaviour management strategies are used continually to reward and praise positive behaviour, efforts and achievements in the classroom. Children earn stickers, certificates and ‘post-it note’ nominations on our Recognition Board to celebrate and praise positive choices. Children also earn pom poms for our class ‘Pom Pom Jar’ (Giant class) or the ‘Class pot’ (Ducklings class). Pom poms are awarded for children who are demonstrating positive learning behaviours and our school values. When the jar is full we vote on a whole class treat!


Trendle Class


In Trendle Class, the children come up with their own Class Rules, these are in line with whole school policies and reflect our values. All children sign this agreement and we make sure that each point is understood. We talk about how to resolve problems and how to make good choices with behaviour. We use circle time opportunities to talk about any behaviour noticed that we need to address. We use a Recognition Board to focus on positive behaviour and highlight children who have shown this. Children earn Dojo points for showing positive behaviour and have a point removed if they are breaking one of the rules following a reminder. We use the Voice Chart to select which volume level is appropriate for an activity and model what this volume of voice looks like.


Abbey Class  

Abbey class children create their own promises based around being ‘ready, respectful and safe’. These are signed, displayed and referred to throughout the year. 

Dojo points are used to celebrate good behaviour and can also be taken away if a child is not being ready, respectful or safe. The whole class is rewarded when they reach a milestone e.g. 1000. In addition, we use recognition boards to celebrate a particular learning behaviour for a particular lesson. E.g. growth mindset, careful presentation. If the whole class gets their name on, they can have a whole class dojo.

The children also have a fun Friday reward system. There are tokens that can be put into or taken out of the ‘Fun on Friday’ pot which represent a minute each of reward time on a Friday afternoon. 


Furthermore, Year 4 children can achieve a Cerne-tified Status. Once they have been awarded a sticker 5 times, they are entitled to multiple privileges. This includes wearing a badge, sitting on a chair when others are sitting on the floor, standing at the front of the line, receiving a Cerne-tified Certificate, showing visitors around etc.  This status is emphasised at the start of the year as the pinnacle award to receive. It promotes good behaviour and positive role models. 




The Lunchtime Supervisors deal with any misbehaviour by initially giving a child a warning and explaining why the behaviour is unacceptable, then if a second warning is needed the child has 1 minute out of play. If the behaviour continues after this the child will is sent to the head Teacher or the class teacher if the Head Teacher is unavailable.


The class teacher is always informed if they needed a second warning


How adults manage children a child who misbehaves:


● A look

● A gesture

● A word

● A visual reminder

● move closer to them

● Encouragement

● Focus on the learning rather than comment on misbehaviour (i.e. what's the next thing you have to do)?

● Name and question

● Humorous (de-escalating response)

● Reminder of the expectation /value

● Repeat the instruction

● Clear description of desired behaviour



Please note sanctions that are not acceptable:


● physical admonishment: please note that staff open themselves to disciplinary and/or criminal proceedings if this is used. 

● withdrawal of a particular lesson e.g. PE

● punishment of a whole group for the behaviour of an individual or a group

● punishment which belittles, demeans or bullies

● failure to follow instructions or to produce work when the SENCO agrees this could be a direct result of a special educational need

● lines or extra work (we do not want children to see work as a punishment) 

● although detention of pupils after school is legal (previously giving 24 hours notice, but now no longer requiring parental consent or notice), it is the policy of the school that this sanction will not be used.


Incidents involving violence and extreme rudeness and stealing must be passed on to parents. The headteacher must be involved.


Bullying which is not just an isolated incident must involve the parents.


Supporting Guidelines


● Pupils need to feel safe and secure, both physically and emotionally - towards this we use circle times, our values and activities to promote a caring, supporting atmosphere throughout the school.

● This policy should be read in conjunction with the relevant statutory and other guidance documents issued by the DfE and Home Office as well as other related school policies (see Appendix 1 of this policy).


Positive Approaches


● Ensure pupils experience success through their efforts.

● Ensure pupils feel recognised as individual and unique people who have things to offer as well as to learn.

● Give specific meaningful praise

  • Listen to children and communicate that you value and have heard what they have to say
  • Use positive responses and consequences  if the child is unresponsive to the former.


Strategies for Positive Encouragement

● Showing others their learning

● Praise Worship

● Positive feedback to parents (verbal and written)

● Stickers

● Headteacher Award / Special Mention

● Taking good learning to the Head Teacher's Office




Children are trained in peer mediation to help sort one another’s conflicts. The trained mediators wear yellow Peacemaker hats and other children go to them for help if they are having friendship problems. Children also go to the friendship stop if they are unhappy about anything. There is a rota of children who take on this role on a weekly basis. Regular training takes place with the Peacemakers.


The Use of Force to Restrain Pupils


See circular “Use of Reasonable Force: advice for headteachers, staff and governing bodies.” This replaces “The use of force to control and restrain pupils-Guidance for schools in England.”


This Guidance explains:


What is reasonable force? Who can use reasonable force? When can reasonable force be used?


When might it be acceptable for a member of staff to use “Reasonable force” at our school?


  • to separate children found fighting
  • to remove a disruptive or emotionally upset child from a classroom when other strategies have failed (This would include occasions where a member of staff has deemed it necessary to remove a child from a situation by holding their hand and leading them away.)
  • to prevent a child putting themselves in danger, for example, when crossing a road
  • Staff need to be sure that they feel able to restrain, control or remove a child without hurting the child or themselves.
  • ALL incidents of “Use of Reasonable Force” must be logged onto My Concern.


Relevant staff have up to date training in using reasonable force


Appendix 1



Relationships Policy


Allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers

Child Protection Policy 

Data Protection Policy

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

Equal Opportunities Policy 

E-Safety/Internet Use/Social networking/ICT Policies

 Guidance for Safer Working practice

 Health and Safety Policy

 Intimate Care Keeping

 Children safe in Education – DfE statutory guidance

 Use of Reasonable Force - Advice for Head Teachers, staff and governing bodies July 2013

 School Record Keeping 

Whistleblowing Policy





A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
