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Charity School in a Bag

We had a visit from the charity ‘School in a Bag’ on Wednesday. They are a local charity whose mission is to ensure that as many children in the world have access to education as possible. Every child has the right to an education as we have learnt this week in our rights week.  As a school we will be doing some fundraising to support this fantastic charity. For every £15 we raise the children get to make up a rucksack filled with all the things a child needs to go to school and learn. Once we have packed our bags up we then find out which country our bags are going to and are given the number of the bags. When our bags reach their destination the children will be sent a photo of the children who have received their bag so they get to be a part of the whole process of improving someone’s education. We do hope you will support us in our fundraising for this great cause. 

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