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  • Spring 4

    Fri 31 Jan 2014
  • Junk Modelling Abbey Class

    Thu 30 Jan 2014
    Request to all from Abbey Class – please bring in items for Junk Modelling for Thursday please so they can make Children’s toys.
  • Spring 3

    Fri 24 Jan 2014
  • Spring 2

    Fri 17 Jan 2014
  • Spring 1

    Fri 10 Jan 2014
  • Forest School

    Fri 10 Jan 2014
    Forest School sessions are planned for Abbey Class on Monday and Trendle Class on Thursday.
    Abbey Class will be using tools to make weather monitoring equipment on Monday and have an all-weather option of using the village hall if necessary.

    Trendle Class are due to be shelter building on Thursday which will be weather dependent.  The session will be postponed if gales over 40 mph are forecast.  Thinking positively, please dress children in plenty of layers of warm clothing with an outer water-proof layer.  Ideal footwear is either insulated walking boots or wellies with thermal socks.
  • Love of Reading Week

    Thu 09 Jan 2014
    All the children had a wonderful week with so many exciting activities and learning opportunities linked in to reading. We really do love to read at Cerne! An action packed week, organised brilliantly by Mrs Bishop, so a huge thank you to her!

    Go to your child's Class Pages and read their blog to find out more!
  • Sponsored walk

    Thu 09 Jan 2014
    The School Council have organised a ‘Sponsored 5 laps of the School’ playing field on Thursday 9th January 2014 to support ‘The Steve Charles – Help a Friend Fund’.  Chalky (the teddy bear) plus his owner Al Murray will be joining the children in their sponsored laps.  The next day they both fly out to start their climb of Kilimanjaro – they will be sending us video footage of their ascent.

    Please do ask family and friends to support this very worthwhile charity that is dedicated to helping local people.  

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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