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  • Parent/Carer Summary of the Results 2023

    Tue 31 Jan 2023
  • Parent/Carer Questionnaire Results 2023

    Tue 31 Jan 2023
  • Online Safety Newsletter February 2023

    Tue 31 Jan 2023
  • British Values Day

    Fri 20 Jan 2023


     On Monday, we had a focus on British Values for the day where we explored each value in depth. The day started with the whole school gathering together and discussing what the values were and where we could see them in our school. The children then went back to their classes and learnt more about them in depth. We had some excellent discussions including Abbey Class acting out a parliamentary debate!

  • Newsletter 9 Spring Term 2023

    Fri 20 Jan 2023
  • Super Hero Day

    Sat 14 Jan 2023

    On Friday we had a Super Hero Day. Everyone Came dressed up as a superhero to raise money for our local super hero charity Cerne Abbas Wild Life Trust. They help injured and ill wild life in Cerne. The Giant and Duckling class visited them last term and this term their topic enquiry question is 'Who are our heroes?'. The children (and staff) came dressed as a variety people. We had doctors, nurses, teachers, mummies and daddies as well as the fire brigade, police and Spiderman and Batman. We raised just over £95 to help the charity and we presented Jess, from the charity, with the money during Praise Worship.

  • Newsletter 8 Spring Term 2023

    Fri 06 Jan 2023
  • Online Safety Newsletter January 2023

    Tue 03 Jan 2023

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
