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Abbey Class

Summer 2 - What patterns can we find on the coast?

Summer 1 - How was The Cerne Abbas Giant designed and created?

Spring 2 - Do inventors work together to create something new?

Spring 1- How do animals and humans depend on each other?

Autumn 2- How did The Angles, The Saxons and The Jutes work together?

Autumn 1- Do urban or rural places give us a sense of belonging?

Summer 2- Were there patterns in Ancient Greece?

Summer 1- Can we find patterns in light?

Spring 2- What did The Romans leave behind?

Spring 1- Where do rivers go?

Autumn 2 - How did The Second World War bring people together?

Autumn 1 - Can we save the world together?

Summer 2 - How can my friends and I protect the coastline?

Summer 1 - Were The Vikings trusted people?

Spring 2 - Trust me, I'm an inventor!

Spring 1 - Peaceful Paradise in the Animal Kingdom.

Autumn 2 - Was there a friendship amongst The Angles, The Saxons and The Jutes?

Autumn 1 - Commotion in the city or rural peace?

Author visit - Chris Connaughton

Poole Urban Observation Trip - 04.10.21

Summer 2 - What represents peace more,

light or dark?

Dorset County Museum Trip

Still image for this video

Summer 1 - Reduce, Reuse, Recyle - 

Can people have trust in others to

do the right thing?

    Spring 2 - Was there friendship between                               the Celts and Romans?

          Spring 1 - Was friendship the key value of life to an Ancient Greek?

Autumn 2 -

British Machinery - Why could you trust it?

Autumn 1 - 

What makes our rivers places of peace?

                Academic Year A - 2020/2021

Welcome to Year 3/4 - Abbey Class.

 Mr Mitchem will be sharing his class's  learning through Class Dojo but occasionally this page will have a few lines, a couple of pictures or a video.  We hope this will give you even more insight into what your child learns when in our care.


In This Section...

Summer 2 -Friends and fun at the theme park

A selection of learning during the school closure :) Mr Mitchem is very proud of the learning produced , keep it up! :)

Summer 1

Peaceful Coastline

                                            Spring 2 

                   Were the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings friends?

                 Spring 1 - Should I have trusted a smuggler?
                         Autumn 2 -Trust me, I’m an inventor!
                Autumn 1 - Peace in paradise - Animal Kingdom
                                 Academic Year B - 2019/2020
                             Summer 2- Rivers and Celts

Summer 1 - Light and Dark

Spring 2 - Romans

Spring 1 - British Machinery

Autumn 2 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

You will find information and pictures of Abbey Class' learning here!

Autumn 1 - Ancient Greeks

Academic Year 2018-2019

Summer 2 - Amazing Animals

Summer 1 - Anglo Saxons and Vikings

Spring 2 - Theme Parks

Inventors and Inventions

Academic Year 2017-18

Shipwrecks and Smugglers

Creeping Coasts

Academic Year 2016 - 2017

Summer term

Ancient Greeks


Spring Term


Light and Dark

Autumn Term



Rivers and Celts

Academic Year 2016-2017

Summer Term

Spring Term

Autumn Term

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
