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Home Learning Policy


Cerne Abbas CE VC First School, Duck Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorset, DT2 7LA

‘The Small School with the Big Heart.’


Tel: 01300 341319                      Website:



Home Learning Policy


Date of policyNovember 2022

Date reviewed by the

Governing Body

FGB committee - 22/11/2022

Member of staff responsible

in Cerne Abbas CE VC First


Catherine Cresswell
Review dateNovember 2023



Our vision is to be the best we can be.

We are committed to nurturing every child to thrive in a safe and engaging environment based on our Christian values of Peace, Trust, Friendship, Joy, Courage and Forgiveness. We strive to develop happy and confident learners ready to face the challenges of their next steps.

It is with the children in mind that this policy has been developed to ensure their education is rounded with a real depth that stretches far beyond just the content of their learning. We have chosen to re-name homework to home learning. We wish children to make the important connection that learning happens everywhere at all times.




  • The policy provides a flexible framework where the children, teachers and parents input into the home learning.

  • It will give parents the guidance that all learning outside of the school environment is valuable and crucial to support a well-rounded education for their child.

  • It will be relevant to each child’s age and current level of attainment.

  • It will allow for and support the differing preferences children show when choosing how to display their learning.

  • At the start of each topic parents will be advised of ideas that could stretch their children in relation to the topics being covered. Equally, teachers are available to discuss any specific needs with each parent. 

  • Children who do not wish to complete their home learning project should not be pushed to do so. However, they should still be encouraged to join in the group sharing discussions. It may be that they are more comfortable verbalising their learning rather than writing it down.



Giant Class




  •  Daily reading at home recorded in yellow reading record books, RWI phonics sound card practice/high frequency words practice.
  • RWI practise videos (links shared via Ruth Miskin Virtual Classroom) to revisit sounds taught that week and to practise blending/reading skills.
  • Handwriting practice using name card and number flash-card practice if appropriate.
  • Half termly ‘Family Project’ linking learning to our topic in school. To be shared as a speaking and listening opportunity in class. 


Trendle Class


Year One and Two: -


  • Weekly Read Write Inc spellings.  Followed by a weekly spelling check (when assessed as ready)
  • .RWI phoneme practice videos where children are assessed as finding a particular phoneme challenging
  • Optional ½ termly ‘Family Project’ linked closely to applying and using reading skills to research – based on current Topic.
  • Daily reading at home recorded in home/school reading record books.
  • Occasional extra home learning that is linked to learning that takes place in school is given to the children via Tapestry. 
  • Two spellings per week to practise at home. These are not tested but there is an expectation that they will spell these words correctly in written work (dictation and independent writing).


Abbey Class


Year Three and Four:


  • Differentiated times table homework on a weekly basis.
  • Practising words from RWI log books.
  • Daily reading logged in reading records. 
  • Half termly ‘Family Project’ linked closely to applying and using reading skills to research. Based on current Topic. Emphasis on family collaboration.


The ‘Family Project’:


The idea of the ‘Family Project’ is that the children have the opportunity to develop and apply their reading skills to research a fun activity.


For example:
Creating a Powerpoint on Extreme Weather
Researching designs of Viking boats
Creating a Fact File on a famous British monarch
Designing and building an iconic world structure


The extent of these projects are entirely up to the family, therefore the amount of time spent on them is variable. We strongly feel that parents have the freedom to choose how much time they wish to commit to the ‘Family Project’.

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
