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Giant and Ducklings Class

Welcome to the Foundation Stage 1 and 2 Class.

Miss Stephens will be sharing her class's learning through Tapestry but occasionally an entry will be added to the Giant and Duckling's Class Page. This might be a few lines, a couple of pictures, a video or possibly some of their learning! We hope this will give you even more insight into what your child learns when in our care.


In This Section...

Year 2024-25

Spring 1- What will we find in the rainforest?

Autumn 2- What animals will we find in the peace garden at night?

Autumn 1- What kind of superhero do I want to be?

Summer 2- What patterns will we find under the sea?

Summer 1- Who is my favourite character?

Spring 2- Do we need the sun?

Spring 1- What happened to the dinosaurs? 

Autumn 2 - What is my favourite rhyme?

Autumn 1- Who will we find on the farm?

Year 2023-24

Summer 2- What patterns will we find in the garden?

Summer 1 - What will we find in the rainforest? 

Spring 2- What is my favourite story & poem?

Spring 1- Who are our heroes?

Autumn 2- What happens in our Peace Garden at night?

Autumn 1- Who am I?

Year 2022/23

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
