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Home Visits Policy

Duck Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorset, DT2 7LA

‘The Small School with the Big Heart.’

Tel: 01300 341319         Website:


  Cerne Abbas CE VC First School 

Home Visits Policy


Date of policy Summer 2024
Date reviewed by the Governing Body23.05.2024

Member of staff responsible in

Cerne Abbas CE VC First School

Heather Stephens
Review dateSummer 2029


  1. Rationale 


Childhood experiences lay the foundations for later life. Parenting has a significant impact on children’s emotional, behavioural and educational development, and their health and wellbeing. As a school, we believe in working in partnership with parents to ensure positive outcomes for all children. 


Parents/ Carers have extensive knowledge of their child which is valuable to school staff  and will help them to provide a smooth transition and valuable experiences for them at  school.  


Home visits provide an opportunity to share this knowledge in an informal way and in a  familiar environment.  


  1. Aims: 
  • To build a warm caring relationship with the child and parent/carer before the child starts school
  • To meet children in their own familiar setting and meet other family members, people and pets who are important to the child
  • To allow the child to share their favourite toys, games and books with school staff  if they wish to. 
  • To encourage families to share information about their children which can be used  to help with the transition process. This includes finding out about children’s  interests at home and personal skills such as getting changed and using cutlery.
  • To provide an opportunity for families to ask questions or share information about  their child and ensure that this is private.


  1. Procedure: 
  • At all times, the needs of the individual child are paramount.  
  • All parents/carers are given the opportunity to be visited at home by members of  the school staff.  
  • Staff will attend home visits in pairs. They must leave a list of  where they are going and a mobile number in the school office.  
  • Staff will be conscious of the fact that they are guests in the family’s home and will  treat all families with a high level of respect during the visit.
  • The home visit is a means of talking to the family, gaining information about the  child and answering any questions the family may have.  
  • During the visit one adult will focus on the child and engage them in an activity of  the child’s choosing. The other adult will gather information from the parents about the child’s interests and will answer any questions the parents have. 
  • Visits are not expected to last more than 20 minutes and should conclude when  mutually accepted by both parties. 


Guidelines for Staff 


Structure of EYFS home visits 

Staff make home visit in pairs. This allows one staff member to talk to the child’s parents / carers and the other to focus solely on the child. This means that the parent / carer has focused time with a member of our staff team. Twenty minutes is the standard period of time devoted to each home visit. Visits typically take place either during the term before children are due to start attending school or at the beginning of their start term. Parents are always contacted in advance to confirm the appointment. 


Equipment needed 

All visits need careful structuring and prepared resources. Visiting staff members will take an information pack (Sparklers Booklet) with them when visiting a child and their parents / carers in their home. This would usually contain photographs of staff, details of the school day, along with the standard forms that would need to be filled in by the parents/ carers. A child may then engage in activity with a staff member whilst the other staff member interacts with the parent / carer. Staff should also take a mobile phone for safety reasons, a map to locate addresses, and a range of toys and books for the child to play with.


Before the visit 

  • Make appointments in advance and offer alternative dates/times
  • Ensure that parents know when you will arrive, how long you will stay, what will happen, what kinds of questions you will be asking and what information you will bring (Appendix 1 – Parents’ Information Sheet) 
  • Ask them to think about the information they need from you in advance of the meeting 
  • Accept the right of a family not to accept a home visit 
  • Confirm parents / carers name and title and keep on record. Do not presume that there are two parents with the same surname as the child.
  • If parents are separated then, if appropriate, the invite can extend to the secondary parent.
  • Do not assume that all parents/ carers are literate 
  • Make sure you consider diversity of social, cultural, racial, religious and sexual orientation
  • Familiarise yourself with the location of the home and the route you will take before you leave and leave details of your visiting schedule with another member of staff.
  • Check the LA database and make sure you are well informed about the family and personal circumstances. 
  • Ensure you have a charged mobile phone


During the visit 

  • Wear the school lanyard with ID badge on to informs the parent of who you are 
  • Show respect for parents / carers as equal partners 
  • Be aware of pets and other adults who may be in the home 
  • Sit near a door or exit and if you feel uneasy or worried at any time, action your alert statement ‘we need to get going as we have to see Mrs Jones on the way back.’
  • Staff should demonstrate an awareness and respect for differing cultures and should comply with appropriate customs such as removing shoes, wearing modest clothing etc. 
  • Staff should remain aware of time constraints on both themselves and parents


After the visit 

  • Make note of particular interests for upcoming Sparklers and settling in sessions.
  • Staff to add to My Concern if any safeguarding concerns are identified.
  • Report back in school. If not returning directly to school, telephone the school/make contact with the Headteacher after the visit to say you have left the residence. 
  • If any incident has occurred or any concerns arise with regards to safeguarding, staff should record concerns and contact Headteacher/Safeguarding Lead immediately.
  • Team to meet to reflect current procedures and disseminate any relevant information to all staff.


  1. Sharing Information 


The staff will introduce themselves and explain who all members of the EYFS are and  their job role. They will explain the purpose of the visit, which is to familiarise the family  with Cerne Abbas CE VC First School and learn more about the child and family.  


Familiarising the family with the school 


This will include:- 

  • Timetable of school day/pick up and drop off 
  • Uniform, PE kit, outdoor clothes 
  • Drinks, snacks and lunch 
  • Curriculum, including phonics, reading books, play. 
  •  Communication – Parent email, newsletters, school website, Parents Evening, school reports and Tapestry. 
  • Attendance – reporting sickness, holidays 


Opportunities to learn about the child 


This will include:- 

Family members and structure 

Nursery/Pre-School experience 

Health, including allergies and any medication 

SEN and involvement of any outside agencies, eg speech therapist Interests, likes and dislikes 

Emotional development, including how they react to situations, people, any  worries or concerns 

Physical development, including dressing/undressing, use of cutlery, toilet  independence. 

Safeguarding – who to collect from school, family circumstance


A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
