Home school agreement
‘The Small School Our Vision is: To be
With the the best we can be.
Big Heart’
Duck Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorset, DT2 7LA
Telephone 01300 341319
Head Teacher – Mrs Catherine Cresswell
Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all of their lives. Proverb Ch 22 v6
Home School Agreement.
Teacher’s signature:
Child’s signature/drawing of themselves:
Parent’s signature:
Our School will:
a. Provide the environment set out in our vision and aims.
b. Be role models of our Christian values Trust, Peace, Friendship, Courage, Joy and Forgiveness.
c. Provide a challenging, interesting and relevant curriculum.
d. Encourage children to do their best at all times.
e. Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
f. Inform parents of the children’s progress at regular meetings.
g. Discuss any concerns or problems that have arisen.
h. Be open and accessible for parents and welcome constructive input.
i. Keep parents informed about school activities through regular news letters, letters home and notices.
Children will:
a. Demonstrate our Christian values.
b. Keep our school tidy.
c. Listen and talk in the right place.
d. Walk calmly.
f. Always tell the truth.
The Family/Carers will:
a. Make sure the child arrives on time, fit and ready to learn.
b. Make sure the child attends regularly and provide the school with an explanation if the child is absent.
c. Inform the school if there are any changes to end of day collection arrangements.
d. Support the Social Networking agreement
e. Support the school's behaviour policy.
f. Be considerate and courteous to other parents.
g. Attend Parent Consultations when invited.
h. Encourage and support the child’s learning at home and school, to help them achieve their best.
i. Inform School of any concern or problems that may affect the child’s learning or behaviour.
j. Participate in and support their child at school events whenever possible.
Our Vision and Values
Cerne Abbas Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School was founded in 1836 for the education of children in the local community, guided by the principles of The Church of England. At the heart of our school is a desire that Christian ideals and values should inform every aspect of the school’s life, including an expectation that all children flourish and achieve.
Our Vision Vessel
Our school is represented by the tractor that is taking everyone on a journey of learning and developing character throughout their time in our school. What we are learning now will help us all to be the best that God has created us to be. The Headteacher, Mrs Cresswell is driving the tractor forward and the governors, represented by the sunshine, help light the way to enable this to happen. Together they drive our school forward. The staff are represented by the plough that prepares the ground for our values to be developed and shine in the children. The crops are our values of friendship, peace, trust, joy, courage and forgiveness and which are also encouraged to grow by the weather (the parents and carers). The children, represented by the caterpillars, journey their way through school, flourishing each step of the way, and by the time they leave us in Year 4 they have developed and turned into beautiful butterflies ready for the next step of their journey into a new school.
Our Biblical Foundation
Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.
Proverbs 22:6
Which underpins our vision
‘to be the best we can be’
At Cerne Abbas we want to:
· Create an inclusive school community based on our Christian values of friendship, peace, trust, joy, courage and forgiveness.
· Prepare children to be the best they can be, how God intended them to be, by creating in them a love for life, learning and helping others. We will never give up on them.
· Discover and celebrate everyone’s gifts, uniqueness and achievements.
· Inspire and extend opportunities to build strong, collaborative partnerships with our families and local community.
· Open children’s eyes to our beautiful surroundings and the world beyond.
· Deliver meaningful and memorable learning to improve children’s next steps in their learning journey and impact on the world.
· As adults, be influential role models through high quality teaching supported by Continuing Professional development.
A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere