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We're Going on an Egg Hunt! 29.3.23

We had a very wet and muddy learning outdoors day Wednesday- which the children absolutely loved!! Our waterproofs were both a blessing and a curse at various points of the day (the biggest challenge simply getting everyone out of waterproofs for toilet stop/hand wash at lunch time!!) 

Our tarpaulin outdoor 'classroom' had quite a leaky roof and our gazebo classroom kept flying away!! But this only added to the adventure and the children were in high spirits as we began our 'Egg Hunt' themed day. We sat under our shelter and read 'We're Going on an Egg Hunt' together before setting up own own egg hunts in the park and decorating an egg for our egg rolling. We then boiled up some real eggs and gathered together for a snack of dippy egg and breadsticks! After our refuelling we headed up the hill for the egg rolling competitions! It was rather breezy and our eggs were quite light so they didn't roll very far but the children certainly threw them with all their might to get them as far as they could! Perhaps you might enjoy decorating hard boiled eggs during the holiday and having a family egg rolling competition now you've had a practice run! 

We then headed back to the school playground for a toilet/hand washing break and ate our packed lunches under the playground gazebo. Once our tummies were full we headed up to the Kettle Bridge carpark for a play on the new adventure playground equipment; the wobbly bridge was especially popular! We then went on our own egg hunt, taking it in turns to collect and count the eggs until we found the 'very big one' at the end! When we turned it over we spotted the Giant's face!! So ran all the way back the path and safely back to the park where Teddy 'shut the door' for us! 

We ended the day by hosing down and creating bunny hats/masks for our performance. When the grown ups arrived for our Great Works we performed our rendition of 'hop little bunnies', then our favourite poem 'Caterpillar cake' and finally our story of the day 'We're Going on an Egg Hunt'! Thank you everyone for coming.


We had a fantastic day, despite the weather, and look forward to the next one! Happy Easter everyone!


A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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