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Beautiful Brazilian headresses 26.06.14

This week our mornings have been filled with really confident and conscientious learning as we have completed our optional SATS quizzes.

In the afternoons we have learnt about Brazilian Carnival costumes, and created our own. We started by drawing some really detailed observational drawings of rainforest animals. We then chose one to make a headdress from, adding ideas for colour and decorations. To make our headdresses, we drew and cut out two of our animal designs and spent a lot of time conscientiously painting them; thinking about colour, shade and other detail. To add the finishing touches we used sequins, feathers, and different types of paper. We spent a lot of time on them, but it was worth it because they look amazing.
On Wednesday we had sports day, thank you all those who were able to make the event and supported the school. The round robin helped build co-operative and courteous learning, and the in the races we definitely saw lots of confidence. Although I think maybe the ‘c’ the parents most used was competitive!!

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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