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Week 2 - Hopes and dreams, Multiplication and Division and Spirituality

Abbey class’ learning in class this week has been superb. The highlight being the topic learning on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Firstly, the children learnt about charcoal and how it is used as a medium of art. They found out the best way to hold the charcoal, how to create different gradients of colour and also how to draw light, specifically cast, high and reflective. The children were then introduced to a smuggling picture of a man in a cave. They discussed the picture and the context behind it and how we could use the charcoal to draw an effective picture. Finally, they used what they had been learning to draw their own representation of the picture using charcoal.


The learning has been displayed in Learning Lane for all to see. Excellent effort by the children and a good demonstration of their skillset J

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
