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Governor Visits Policy


Duck Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorset, DT2 7LA

‘The Small School with the Big Heart.’

Tel: 01300 341319         Website:


Governor Visits Policy  


Date of policy            September 2023

Date reviewed by the

Governing Body

FGB committee - 28/09/2023

Member of staff responsible

in Cerne Abbas CE VC First


Andrea Schafer as Clerk to Governors
Review dateSeptember 2026



Governor’s Formal Visit to Schools




Governors often need to visit their school. Such visits include attendance at committee meetings, liaison with the HT and subject leaders, health and safety inspection of the campus site, classroom visits both to use their specific expertise to assist the teaching staff and also to observe lessons. Such visits enable governors to fulfil their statutory governance responsibilities and develop their understanding of the school. They should cover a wide range of school work but they do not replace the professional inspection , monitoring and evaluation carried out by the Head Teacher.


Individual governors do not have an automatic right to enter the school whenever they wish but should always arrange visits with the Head Teacher. Each visit should have a clear purpose.


Purpose of the Visit


Visits are undertaken to:


  • improve GB knowledge of the School and the people that work in it;
  • assist the GB in monitoring the implementation of the School Development Plan;
  • assist a Governor to fulfil their individual special responsibilities;
  • assist the Governing Body in fulfilling its statutory duties;
  • assist the Governing Body in making informed decisions;
  • to assist the Governing Body in ensuring the safety of pupils and staff.


Governors should not pursue any personal agendas.


When in school to observe lessons, such observations are not judgemental regarding pupil’s work, behaviour, any teacher’s classroom practice or issues relating to the day to day running of the School. That is the responsibility of the Head Teacher.


Planning the Visit


Visits should be undertaken only as part of a strategic programme formally organised by the Governing Body or one of its Committees and with the details and timing of the visit approved by the Head Teacher.

If the visit is to involve any member of staff, then that member of staff must be fully involved in the planning through the appropriate member of the Leadership Group.


Governor’s Visits to Schools


The governor(s) making the visit should make themselves fully acquainted with health and safety procedures, including fire safety, prior to making the visit.


During the Visit


Governors will at all times report to reception upon arrival and follow the procedure for visitors in order to provide a good example for other visitors.


If visiting a classroom, the Governor must arrive at the time planned to avoid disrupting the learning process, and follow the agreed purpose of the visit. Governors must be aware that some teachers may feel nervous or stressful about having a visitor in the classroom. At the end of the visit it is appropriate and polite to thank everyone concerned including the children.


Governors should be aware of their behaviour and appearance and avoid any implication that they are conducting an inspection.


Following the Visit


After visiting the school the governor(s) should:


  • give some time and thought to reflection;
  • write a note of thanks to all staff visited;
  • complete a visit report outlining the purpose and results of the visit using the School Visits Form - Appendix 1 (or complete the appropriate subject evaluation report)
  • Be aware that the visit report will be shared with all appropriate staff involved;
  • raise any concerns sensitively with the Head Teacher;
  • consider what went well and what did not go so well with respect to involvement in the visit;
  • consider what could be done differently during a future visit.


Following Completion of the Agreed Monitoring Programme


The governor should report back to the Governing Body or Committee as appropriate.


Related Documentation


Appendix 1 – Notes for Governor Report form.

Appendix 2 – Protocol for visits.



Appendix 1   

                                                                             Notes for Governor Report

Name                                                                                                   Date

Purpose of visit

Previously agreed by the Governing Body with the Head Teacher







Links with the School Development Plan

How does the visit relate to a priority in the School Development Plan?





Comments on the focus of the visit





Any key issues arising for the Governing Body in relation to the focus of the SDP





Action following Governing Body meeting

Record any action agreed by the governing body with regard to this visit






Appendix 2



Protocol for Visits


Governors visit their school to enhance their understanding of the school’s work and to help fulfil their responsibilities of monitoring and evaluating the school.


We have an agreed schedule of governors’ visits to the school, reflecting the priorities in the school improvement plan and the specific interests and responsibilities of governors, and we keep a file of visit reports.





Agree purpose of visit.

Agree how much time (a timetable

is a good idea).

Agree when you will discuss the

visit with the headteacher.

Agree which of the staff will be


Consider practicalities (dress,

parking, time of arrival, who to

report to, how to make notes,

breaks and lunch).

Turn up unannounced.

 Introduce yourself to staff and pupils.


      Note and praise the positive.

     Ask questions to increase


Remain focused on the purpose of

the visit.

Remain objective, unbiased.and


Interrupt the teacher.


Make professional judgements

about staff expertise (we are not inspectors).


Pursue a personal agenda


Monopolise the children’s or the staff’s time.


Thank the teacher and pupils verbally and subsequently by email or letter.

Discuss visit with the teacher.

Compile a report (use framework if


Raise any concerns sensitively with

      the headteacher.
Leave without a word.


A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
