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No Bullying Policy

Cerne Abbas C.E. V.C. First School, Duck Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorset. DT2 7LA

Telephone: 01300 341319





NO Bullying Policy


Date of policyMay 2024

Date reviewed by the

Governing Body

FGB committee - 23.05.2024

Member of staff responsible 

in Cerne Abbas CE VC First 


Catherine Cresswell
Review DateFeb 2025






Our aims include creating a community based on trust, peace, and friendship, supporting children to be motivated and believe in themselves, celebrating everyone’s uniqueness and achievements, and to enable every child to be the best they can be. These values underpin this policy.


Through the implementation of this policy the school will be able to demonstrate the impact of its anti-bullying policy and procedures.


The schools acknowledge its public duty to show due regard to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between persons of protected characteristics and none (Equality Act 2010). 


The protected characteristics are:

  • Race (ethnicity)
  • Sex (gender)
  • Disability
  • Religion/belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Pregnancy/maternity


Bullying is a widespread problem and the school recognises that there are distinct groups of children or individuals who are bullied disproportionately.


At Cerne Abbas CE VC First School we recognise that a key anxiety for parents / carers is the safety of their child.


The No-bullying policy is a stand-alone policy but it is acknowledged there is significant overlap with the school’s Relationship Policy, Behaviour Policy, Exclusion Policy and Child Protection policies.


The responsibility of the school extends beyond the school boundaries and where ‘out of school’ incidents of bullying are reported the school recognises its duty to respond.


The children have been involved in writing and reviewing this policy and have agreed that the definition of bullying should be:


Several Times On Purpose = STOP Bullying

The intention is to hurt someone emotionally or physically and to aggressively dominate.


The lead person with responsibility for developing this policy is Mrs Catherine Cresswell.


Mrs Catherine Cresswell is the Headteacher at Cerne Abbas CE VC First School


1.         Roles and Responsibilities


The Headteacher will:


  1. develop the policy in line with good practice.
  2. ensure that agreed protocols are followed.
  3. evaluate the progress the school is making in relation to the STOP Bullying agenda


Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Office Staff and Lunchtime Supervisors are responsible for the day to day implementation of these practices and they will:


  1. support the development of an appropriate culture within school
  2. support the children who have experienced bullying
  3. respond to children who have bullied
  4. model appropriate, respectful behaviour


Children in this school will:


  1. embrace a culture that respects difference
  2. support other children who have experienced bullying behaviours.
  3. model appropriate, respectful and kind behaviour


Governors are responsible for monitoring the above.



2.         Participation


At every stage in the development and review of this policy recognition has been given to the importance of ownership by the school community. The children, staff, parent / carers and governors have been, and will continue to be, involved in:


  1. the development of the policy
  2. the implementation of the policy
  3. the evaluation of the policy



3.         The Aims and Objectives


Our aim at Cerne Abbas CE VC First School is to provide a secure, supportive environment within which each child can flourish and develop their full potential. We believe that children can only be effective learners if they feel comfortable and happy within themselves and within their learning environment.


Our school aims are to:

  • stop bullying
  • protect young children
  • make school a happy and enjoyable place for everyone
  • promote equality and prevent discrimination
  • support children who are being bullied
  • give effective help to bully and victim
  • provide advice on how to react to different types of bullying
  • help communication between parents, professionals, victims and bullies
  • educate pupils, staff, parents/carers and governors about bullying
  • give teachers guidance on how to deal with bullying
  • to help children be confident to tell people about what is making them unhappy


As stated in the DfE document 2011 “Preventing and Tackling Bullying – Advice for School Leaders, Staff and Governing bodies”, the aims and objectives of this policy are to develop and maintain:


  1. a culture of respect where difference is valued
  2. a system of support for children who have been bullied
  3. a system of clear, fair and consistent responses to incidences of bullying



4.         Defining Bullying


Our children were asked ‘What is bullying?’ and the following is a list of their responses:


Bullying ……


  • is when someone is being mean
  • is when someone is aggressively dominating and individual or a group of people
  • calling names
  • following you around
  • picking on people
  • makes people sad
  • happens again and again
  • is not very nice
  • hurts
  • happens on purpose.
  • Is not a one off incident


Based on the above and further consultation with staff, parents / carers and governors our agreed definition of bullying is:


Bullying is any action taken by one or more children repeatedly with the deliberate intention of hurting another child, either physically, verbally or emotionally or / and aggressively dominate them.



Our definition is in line with the definition stated in the DfE document 2011 “Preventing and Tackling Bullying – Advice for School Leaders, Staff and Governing bodies”.


5.         Prevention


The children were asked how to make someone feel happy in school. They said:


  • Play with them
  • Show them round
  • Show them what to do
  • Smile at them
  • Ask them if they’d like to play with you.
  • Take them to a teacher if they are upset.
  • Help them up if they fall over.
  • Share things with them.
  • Say sorry if you have upset them
  • Make them laugh with a joke
  • Be our Christian values of Friendship, Trust and Peace




We believe our school has a culture that embraces differences and never tolerates bullying.


This culture is supported through:


    • the delivery of an appropriate curriculum – including ensuring positive images of people with protected characteristics, positive role models in history, art, science, media etc.


    • routine activities which provide opportunities for children to talk about differences ie. Circle times, Collective Worship, themed weeks, school events, school visits and lessons.


    • training for staff to ensure a knowledge about diversity and issues associated with bullying


    • the modelling of appropriate respectful behaviour by staff and pupils and other members of the school community.


    • Daily reminders of how we demonstrate our Christian values


    • An annual ‘Say no to Bullying Week – it’s cool to be kind’.


Our approach to preventing incidents of bullying taking place includes:


  • peer mediation training for our Peacemakers
  • giving children strategies to stop anything happening to them they are not happy with
  • encouraging children to talk about things if they are upset or worried
  • talking with the victim: encouraging them to talk about what is causing them distress, to tell, to be assertive towards the perpetrator without resorting to violence
  • finding out both sides of the argument but not jumping to conclusions
  • talking with the perpetrator: not shouting or threatening but explaining and discussing:
  • the victim’s feelings
  • how would you feel?
  • the consequences of their actions
  • the perpetrator’s motives
  • aiming to get the perpetrator to realise that the behaviour they have demonstrated is not acceptable but spending time helping them to reflect on their feelings that resulted in the bullying behaviour
  • logging all incidents, using My Concern, of children hurting other children so that repetition can be identified.
  • involving the Headteacher in all incidents of bullying
  • sharing incidents of bullying with the parents/carers of both the victim and the bully


In the past, the school has found that in some cases the child committing the ‘offence’ is not always aware that his/her behaviour has caused / is causing distress ie. the behaviour is unintentional. In such cases, it is our practice to help such children to understand the consequences of their behaviour and to develop their social skills in a positive way. However, it is made very clear that the behaviour is unacceptable. If the child fails to respond to this approach and repeats the behaviour, sanctions will then be imposed until the situation is resolved.


Most unkind behaviour at this school, which parents might see as ’Bullying’, is actually about children coming to terms with playing and working together.  The child accused of bullying may have a totally different view of the ‘game’.  These incidents need to be addressed just as seriously as incidents of bullying because they affect other children’s attitudes to school. The role of staff is key to deciding which incidents need to be dealt with at the time and which incidents need to be reported to a senior member of staff.


Children are taught how to communicate very clearly their views about a situation eg.


‘I don’t like this game, please stop it’

‘You are upsetting me, please stop it’ 

‘I don’t like this game; if you don’t stop it I will tell an adult’


Children must be encouraged to tell an adult on duty immediately. 


Our school staff recognise their responsibility to address each incident of behaviour individually and appropriately. The common elements of each response will include:


    • Listening to the child who is unhappy and identify the type of support they need
    • Apply behaviour management strategies and sanctions consistently and fairly
    • Complete the school’s recording forms (My Concern) and involve outside agencies (such as Educational Psychologists or Behaviour Support Service) as appropriate.


All school staff will act upon a child’s concern seriously and immediately, if necessary by calling on a senior member of staff at the time. 


6.         Responding & Supporting


All incidents of bullying will result in the Headteacher contacting parents of both the victim and the bully and will result in both victim and bully being monitored closely by all school staff both in the classroom and on the playground.


The children talked about who they could go to talk to if something was wrong. They said they could turn to:



  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Friends
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Grandparents
  • Lunchtime Supervisors


Our school has several systems in place to help both the victim and perpetrator. Examples include ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) sessions, Trusted Adult times, Headteacher who is a Trauma Informed Schools practitioner and Emotionally Engaged Adults. Trauma Informed strategies are currently being disseminated throughout the school’s practice. Our school has the Diploma in Trauma and Mental Health Informed Schools Practitioner status. We believe that relationships and conversations with emotionally available adults in a school culture aware of ‘safety cues’ informed by a synthesis of research on what hurts and what heals children.





Child Protection


Our school recognises that under the Children Act 1989 a bullying incident should be addressed as a child protection concern when there is “reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm”. Where this is the case, our school staff will report their concerns to the Designated Senior Person for Child Protection who will refer to Children’s Services Social Care if deemed appropriate.







STEP 1 – Headteacher talks to the victim


When the Headteacher finds out that bullying has happened she/he starts by talking to the victim about what has happened and how they are feeling.  She may question the victim about the incidents, and will need to know who was involved, including non-participant spectators.  She will encourage the victim to talk about the effects of the bullying, for example how it makes him/her feel. The victim’s parent/carer will be kept informed throughout the process.


STEP 2 – Headteacher meets with the bully and any other children involved


The Headteacher arranges to meet all the children who have been involved (without the victim present). This may include some bystanders who observed the incident(s) but did not initiate any bullying. The parents/carers of all involved will be kept informed throughout the process.


STEP 3 – Headteacher explains how the victim is feeling and why.


The Headteacher tells the group about the way the victim is feeling. She might use a picture, story or a drawing to emphasise the victim’s distress.  She will discuss the details of the known incidences.  She will seek agreement on what happened.


STEP 4 – Headteacher places the responsibility on the group to change the victim’s feelings from negative to positive.


The Headteacher will state that the group must do something about the way the victim is feeling.  Stating that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure everyone feels safe and happy in school.


STEP 5 – If necessary, the Headteacher and group draw up an action plan to STOP the bullying.


What can be done to help the victim feel better, happier in school? Each member of the group will be encouraged to suggest a way in which the victim could be helped to feel happier.  The Headteacher will seek an agreement on an action plan which clearly sets out the responsibilities of all the members of the group.


STEP 6 – Headteacher stresses the consequences of not fulfilling their responsibilities as outlined in the action plan.


The Headteacher ends the meeting by encouraging the children to act now. The Headteacher explains the consequences for not changing their behaviour.  The Headteacher will also tell the group that all school staff will be closely monitoring their behaviour, particularly around the victim on a daily basis.


STEP 7 – The Headteacher will set a date for a follow up meeting a week later.


About a week later the Headteacher will discuss with the group, including the victim if deemed appropriate, how things have been going.  The Headteacher will continue to closely monitor the behaviour of all the children involved and will ask the group to do the same and to report back to her if they see or hear anything that concerns them.



 7.        Reporting


Our school uses My Concern to log concerns about children which includes gathering information on incidents of poor behaviour in school. All staff are informed of the need to report incidents of bullying this way.


8.         Evaluating


Our school will track the outcomes of individual incidents of bullying. Our school will monitor the progress we are making with respect to the anti-bullying agenda. We recognise that success will be associated with satisfaction shown by the children and parents / carers and not necessarily via a reduction in reported incidents. Our school uses Questionnaires issued every year to evaluate the school’s effectiveness at dealing with incidents of bullying. Our school will also use the attached evaluation forms at the end of the year to evaluate specific incidents of bullying reported during the past academic year.


9.         Resources


Our school is aware of resources that can support this work and an appendix of resources is attached to this policy. 





Bullying Report Form

List of resources






DfE resources


DfE Behaviour and Discipline in Schools Guidance:


Make Them Go Away (SEND DVD)


Let's Fight it Together (Cyberbullying DVD)




Legislative links


Schools’ duty to promote good behaviour (Education and Inspections Act 2006 Section 89)


Power to tackle poor behaviour outside school (Education and Inspections Act 2006

Section 89(5))


The Equality Act 2010


Preventing and Tackling Bullying – Advice for School Leaders, Staff and Governing bodies.



Specialist Organisations


The Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA): Founded in 2002 by NSPCC and National Children's

Bureau, the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) brings together over 100 organisations into

one network to develop and share good practice across the whole range of bullying



Beatbullying: A bullying prevention charity with an emphasis on working directly with

children and young people. In addition to lesson plans and resources for parents,

Beatbullying have developed the Cybermentors peer support programme for young

people affected by cyberbullying.


Kidscape: Charity established to prevent bullying and promote child protection. Advice

for young people, professionals and parents about different types of bullying and how to tackle it. They also offer specialist training and support for school staff, and

assertiveness training for young people.


Restorative Justice Council: Includes best practice guidance for practitioners 2011.






ChildNet International: Specialist resources for young people to raise awareness of

online safety and how to protect themselves.








EACH: A training agency for employers and organisations seeking to tackle discrimination on the grounds of gender and sexual orientation.


Schools Out: Offers practical advice, resources (including lesson plans) and training to

schools on LGBT equality in education.


Stonewall: An LGBT equality organisation with considerable expertise in LGBT bullying in schools, a dedicated youth site, resources for schools, and specialist training for teachers.

This website will be updated shortly to provide links to further information and

organisations on transgender and other issues.




Mencap: Represents people with learning disabilities, with specific advice and

information for people who work with children and young people.



Key Documents


  1. Preventing and Tackling Bullying – Advice for School Leaders, Staff and Governing bodies.


  1. Ensuring good behaviour in schools - A summary for Headteachers, governing bodies, teachers, parents and pupils 


  1. VIRTUAL VIOLENCE II: Progress and Challenges in the Fight against Cyberbullying 

Commissioned by Nominet Trust in Association with the National Association for Headteachers (NAHT)


  1. Ofsted. Children on bullying A report by the Children’s Rights Director for England


  1. Children on Bullying – A Report by the Children’s Rights Director of England OfSTED 2008


  1. The Equalities Act 2010 – this act identifies 9 protected characteristics and is the key piece of legislation that places duties on a school with respect to bullying.


  1. The Children Act 1989 – this act classifies bullying (when there is a reasonable cause to suspect a child is suffering) as a child protection issue and schools should seek the support of outside agencies as appropriate


  1. Commissioned Survey of pupils’ experience of bullying in school – scheduled to report Summer 2012


  1. Guidance on Combating Transphobic Bullying in Schools Gender Identity Research and Education Society

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
