Spirituality Policy
Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22 verse 6
Cerne Abbas CE VC First School
Spirituality Policy
Date of policy | September 2023 |
Date reviewed by the Governing Body | 28.09.2023 |
Member of staff responsible in Cerne Abbas CE VC First School | Catherine Cresswell |
Review date | September 2025 |
At this church school, all aspects of school life reflect a Christian ethos and this policy is based on Christian principles. We aim for all children to work together to be the best they can be; this includes their spiritual development.
What spirituality is to us
At Cerne Abbas CE VC First School we believe that it is very important to provide all children with a range of opportunities to help them develop spiritually. We believe that spiritual development may not be synonymous with Religious Education and Collective Worship and can be explored through many different curriculum areas. Spirituality is one of our golden threads which we weave throughout the curriculum.
As a school, we focus on the idea of 4 concepts of spirituality: self, others, world, beauty and beyond. Our starting point is our pupils’ own ‘Big’ questions about life and we plan a series of encounters (Windows) that open up the possibility of reflection (Mirrors). Finally, the children are given an opportunity to put into action what they believe and value (Doors).
Our Definition of Spirituality
All staff at our school have worked together and distilled what spirituality means to us:
Spirituality is the heartbeat of our school, it enriches who we are. It is about how we understand ourselves, and our place within the world. It is also about the capacity to be still and reflect with awe and wonder on our world and beyond.
Why we believe it is important
Christians believe that God became human and therefore always strive to be the best human they can possibly be. As educators and in accordance with the Equalities Act 2010, we want to help every child to be the best that they can be and we have a duty to support the children to achieve this; part of this responsibility is to help children develop spiritually. At Cerne Abbas, all aspects of school life reflect a Christian ethos and all policies are based on Christian principles, and our Christian values of Friendship, Peace, Trust, Courage, Joy and Forgiveness.
Aims for our children
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of self- the inner person and the way that this shapes an individual’s perception of themselves as a unique human being. The children reflect on the relationship they have with their sense of being a unique person.
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of others – a growing empathy, concern and compassion for how to treat others. The children reflect on how their values and principles affect their relationships with others.
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of a physical and creative world – a growing relationship with beauty bringing with it the ability to respond emotionally to experiences of the wonder of the natural world and the results of human creativity. The children should explore their understanding of beauty and how this affects their perception of, and relationship with, the world.
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of the beyond – a growing relationship with the transcendental and the ability to explore experiences beyond the everyday. Children will search for meaning in their very existence and their place in the greater scheme of things.
- The children develop an understanding of the beliefs and values of Christianity and other world religions. The children are respectful of the beliefs and values of others.
- The children develop an understanding of the ethos of a Church school and the content, language and symbolism of the Christian faith as a way of understanding our meaning and purpose in life.
- The children develop their ability to ask questions about themselves - their purpose and destiny.
- The children develop their ability to express their thoughts, ideas, feelings and their beliefs
How we do it
- We provide and plan for a wide range of opportunities for children to develop spiritually in all areas of the curriculum, in particular through Religious Education, English, Maths, P.S.H.E., Science, Humanities, Art and Music.
- We provide and plan for a wide range of opportunities for children to develop spiritually through Worship both individually and through including whole school and class services.
- We also promote spiritual development opportunities through our wider curriculum, for example: during our themed weeks such as our ‘Hopes and Dreams Week’, ‘Anti-Bullying and Emotional Health and Well-Being Week.
- We have termly Reflection Days and look into more detail at a spiritual aspect, for example prayer
- We provide areas for quiet reflection in school and in the outdoor environment.
- We provide opportunities for prayer, including silence and stillness.
- When planning for spiritual development, we focus on 3 areas: Windows, Mirrors and Doors.
A) WINDOWS: Encounter - The Learning about life.
We give children opportunities to become aware of the world in new ways, to wonder about life's 'Wows' (things that are amazing) and 'Ows' (things that bring us up short).
B) MIRRORS: Reflection - The learning from life.
We provide children with time for REFLECTION. We give children opportunities to reflect on their experiences, to look inward and consider the big questions of life. In this they are learning from life by exploring their own insights and perspectives and those of others. We also give emotional, physical and auditory space.
C) DOORS: Transformation - The learning to live by putting into action what they believe.
We give children opportunities to respond to all of this; to do something creative as a means of expressing, applying and further developing their thoughts and convictions. In this they are learning to live by putting into action what they are coming to believe and value.
A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere