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22.09.16 Continued learning :)

Welcome to the third class blog of the year!


We have had another busy week in Abbey class and have been carrying out our learning in a very confident and conscientious manner.

In Literacy we have been focussing on onomatopoeia and calligrams which resulted in the children creating their own poems. Column addition has been the key focus in Maths. Great strides have been taken by everybody and I am impressed with the learning progress in just one week. We have been consolidating our knowledge in phonics, concentrating on the phoneme sound 'ai', which will benefit the children for their spelling test the following week. We have been learning about the parts of a river in Topic with the children particularly enjoying the 'Hold back the river' song all to do about rivers. That is only a snippet of the learning that has gone on in the classroom and I am hoping the children can tell you more about the week we have had!


I just want to make sure that everyone is clear with the situation regarding home learning. Every Thursday there will be a spellings and times table test. The children so far have responded really well to these and the improvements in their scores is amazing. The very next day on the Friday the children will stick their times table test they did from the Thursday into their home learning book along with their new set of spellings for the following week. Every child has got a green spelling book to help them practice. This is for the children to use at home so you don't have to bring this into school. The home learning books are due back in on Tuesday's. I want the children to become as independent as possible practising for these tests as it will benefit them in the future. Hopefully everyone is getting into the routine of school now and finding their feet in class but please come speak to me if you have any concerns or questions.


Have a good weekend everybody and look forward to seeing everyone bright and early Monday morning. :)


Mr Mitchem.

A few shots from the children performing their onomatopoeia soundscape :)

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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