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Violins and Year 4's trip to DMS 13.03.14

Over the weekend the children performed in the violin concert at St Mary’s church, Dorchester with the Dorchester Orchestral society and... Martin Clunes. The children were brilliant and made those who were there very proud. They were so confident, and it was really great to see all their conscientious learning of the violin, both at home and school, paying off.
This week the year 4s have been to DMS for their first taster session. They completed an orienteering challenge to familiarise themselves with the school building. It was a beautiful day for them, they had a great time, and represented the school well, being all our ‘c’ values.

In art we have finished our class Rousseau painting, which Mrs Parry was very co-operative in helping me put up, please come and see it, the children really enjoyed making it. This week we have used all the skills we have learnt over the last few weeks in mixing colours in different mediums (pastel, oil pastel, paint and tissue paper) to make our own Rousseau paintings.
In Literacy we have started a new genre- explanation texts. This week the children have been explaining the life cycle of an animal. Next week they are going to improve their explanation language by writing an explanation of a deadly animal of their choice- a real one or an imagined one!!

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