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Apple Day on Tuesday

We are very fortunate to have an author and artist in school on Tuesday.  They are putting together a project called ‘Seasonal Schools’ and we are privileged to be part of their Apple Day Workshop.
Each class will spend some of the day enjoying the activities and we will come together at the end of the day for an Autumn Gathering.
We plan to go outside for part of the day so please could you ensure that your child has a raincoat.  We also need ‘found’ apples to help us with our learning during the day.  If you have any spare apples lying around please bring them into school next Monday and Tuesday.
On Saturday 18th October there will be fun apple activities taking place at Bridport Community Orchard from 11 – 3 pm (next to St Mary’s Church).  Please go along to enjoy apple games, music and storytelling if you have any spare time and are looking for something to do.

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