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Dance Genius!

Cerne Abbas Dance Class
Mrs Price is very excited about her new “Dance Crew” she said she was totally overwhelmed with how popular it was and that there were children from all ages. This half term they have been eager,  full of energy and have all joined in to learn the Cha Cha Slide routine. They always start with a vigorous warm up then progress on to learning specific moves like the “Cha Cha”, “Hands on knees” and “Charlie Brown” actions. They have learnt how to work in a team by being co-operative with each other and showing excellent courteous behaviour. This culminated in performing for the whole School and teachers in what can only be described as a dance masterpiece, with many spectators joining in, especially reception and everyone had a smile on their face. 
Mrs Price and her growing crew will now be working on a different routine for next term .......So watch this space!!

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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