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Fun on Fridays

This is an important part of our week when the children take part in fun activities and parents and members of the community help us.


We are looking to revamp it and would like to take this as an opportunity to ask if you could give up 45 minutes every Friday or every other Friday or maybe even once a month to contribute to a fun activity.  Ideas could include art activities, sports activities or gardening.


Miss Cook organises this time and she would like to have your name and what time you are able to give her to enable her to continue with the smooth running of this afternoon.  Please could you speak directly to her if you can come and help (even if you already help please can you speak to Miss Cook to re confirm how often you can commit)


Please could you let Miss Cook know of your commitment by Thursday 15th January at the latest.  Thank you for your support.

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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