Rockley Watersports Festival
Today we travelled to Poole Park to participate in Rockley Watersports Festival, we arrived in glorious sunshine and set up camp underneath a Gazebo ready to start activities, we changed into our wetsuits and life jackets and first up we were shown how to control our paddle's before being launched into the water on Kayak's in 2's, we then spent 20 minutes paddling around and sometimes falling off (may have been intentional due to weather!) before a short food/water break. After this we were shown how to control our Piccolo yacht's, at this moment myself and Mrs Macey looked at each other with nervous faces and wondered how many we would be taking back! We needn't have worried as they were taken off on tiny speed boats and all 4 of our pairs controlled their boats with expertise and none had capsized, although there was one close shave! After they were safely back on dry land we had another quick food/water break before we took on other pairs in Kayak races during the afternoon.
Just before we left we had time to take a trip to the tuck shop for some sweets and then dressed to come back to school. All our children Jack, Niamh, Johnny, Oliver, Amabelle, Hannah, Katie and Jasmine showed all our 7 C's especially confidence, communicative and conscientious and we were very proud of them.
I would like to say a thank you to Mrs Macey for coming with myself and the children, was much appreciated.
A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere