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Aliens Love Underpants & Visit from the Fire Engine! 31.1.20

Aliens love underpants! 31.1.20


This week we have been reading the Claire Freedman story ‘Aliens love underpants’. We have enjoyed the fictional story about aliens who travel down to earth, just for our underpants! When they find them the aliens have great fun wearing pants on their heads and playing upside down races, bouncing on pants like a trampoline and seeing how many aliens they can fit inside the long johns!! We have had lots of fun reacting the story in our role play area in the classroom this week. We have also been making up our own adventures for the aliens! 


On Wednesday we had an exciting visit from some fire fighters and a fire engine! (We had been promised a visit from the fire service education team and fire engine back in the autumn term during our safety week- they rescheduled their visit for this week!) We first met with Rose, who talked to us about what fire fighters do to keep people (and animals) safe. She explained that fire fighters help to put out fires and rescue people, but they also save people who have been affected by floods, road traffic accidents and other difficulties. She talked about what we can do if we are ever in a fire. We know that we must leave the building as quickly as possible and call 999 for help. We must never go back into a burning building, we must wait for help from the fire fighters. If the room is filled with smoke we should drop to the floor and crawl underneath where the air is clearer. We also learnt what to do if our clothes ever catch fire. We practised the 'stop, drop and roll' pretending we were at a birthday party! Rose showed us some smoke alarms and said we should all have at least 2 in our homes, one on each floor (if we live in a two storey house). She said we should test our fire alarms once a week to make sure they are still working. We listened very carefully and participated with the stories and activities as we were learning.

We then put on our coats and walked down to see the fire engine! We met some fire fighters who were dressed in their protective clothing and helmets. We were shown around the fire engine, looking closely at all the tools and seeing how the fire hose is used. We climbed up the steps and sat inside the cab, looking at the controls and radios. We also had a turn holding and spraying the water hose, watching the water fly into the sky pretending we were putting out a fire! 

It was a super afternoon, we had great fun learning more about fire fighters and learning how to keep safe.   


Next week is a whole school themed ‘maths week’. We will we thinking about  what maths skills astronauts’ need and use when they are training when they are travelling into space.  


Have a super weekend! 


Miss Stephens and Mrs Tite

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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