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Week 3 - Animal adaptations, Generosity and Place Value

Week 3


Abbey class have had, quoting from the children themselves, a 'super duper' week!




Abbey children have started their Physical Education journey off with learning the fundamentals in football. The first week they learnt the different ways you can control the ball and why it is important to be able to do so. The second week they learnt about passing. They concentrated on the technique involved as well as thinking about the weight and direction of passing needed. The children will be soon moving onto tag rugby. 


Class Learning


The children have had a really productive week, producing some excellent learning along the way.

As part of our 1919 village sale week, Abbey class have practised performing the song that we will perform in church next week as a poem. We came up with a success criteria for performing, thought about background music that could accompany it, investigated what a rhyme scheme is and then had a go in groups creating our very own poem verses with the same rhyme scheme as the village song. Super poets in the making!


One of the highlights of the week has definitely been making carnival headdresses in Topic. We first learnt about what a carnival is and why do people celebrate carnivals. Next, we analysed some headdress pictures and chose the animal that we wanted to portrayed. After that, we made a design, thinking about the resources needed and how we were going to put the headdress together. Finally, the children made the design, closely following their original designs whilst thinking about what would make the headdress successful. The results were superb!

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
