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Super Storytellers! 01.05.14

This week in Literacy we have been learning the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have made a ‘story map’ of the story and have created actions to help us sequence the story. Giant Class have amazed both Miss Cook and Mrs Herbert with their amazing storytelling. They have learnt the story so quickly! Next week we will be planning and writing our very own stories based on ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.
In Phonics we are continuing to learn our sounds and learning to read and write with our sounds. We are also learning our alphabet to help us learn our letter names.  

In Maths this week we have been busy learning how to add. We have been adding with all sorts of creatures and Numicon (a number resource).

Miss Cook

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
