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Wareham river trip 02.10.14

This week we went on a school trip to Wareham to see where the river ends up. The river flows into Poole harbour here. We went on a boat trip along the river, observing how much wider and slower flowing it is compared to in Cerne. We noticed how the river meandered along, and the boat driver told us about all the silt that clogs up the river because it flows so slowly.

We spent time by the river, sketching beautiful drawings of the things that we observed from the river bank. We also walked along the river bank, looking at various features of a river, and making tallies of all the boats and the bits of pollution we could see. It was a great day, and it was interesting to see where the water that flows past our school ends up.
The rest of the week we have been learning map reading skills. We spent an afternoon in the classroom learning how to read a map and the symbols on a map. Then yesterday we went out around Cerne Abbas, and found different places on the map, finding what they look like in the real world and photographing them.

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