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Funny Bones! 03.10.13

This week in Giant Class we have been enjoying our daily Phonics and Maths sessions. We have learnt four new sounds and have even started reading some words!!! Giant Class have been very confident and conscientious. In Maths we have been having a number of the day which we have been counting up to. We have been trying very hard to count carefully and slowly to make sure we count every action and every object.
We have been enjoying our topic learning; we have been reading Funny Bones stories and making skeletons from play dough and skeleton pictures using chalks. We have also been reading information books about our bodies and learning lots of new things!
We have been singing lots this week getting ready for our Harvest Festival – Giant Class have been very confident and have been learning lots of tricky song words. Well done Giant Class!

Miss. Cook

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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