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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 16.4.15

What beautiful weather to start the beginning of term, it has put us all in a good mood and we have done some great learning.


This week we have started our topic on ‘Reduce, Reuse Recycle’ by having Kirsty from Dorset Waste Partnership come to talk to us about Recycling. I learnt some new things about what I should be recycling, and I hope the children have come back and told you too.


We have also spent some time working out why we need to recycle. We read a shocking article written in 2010 saying that we will run out of landfill sites in 8 years- so three years from now. The children discussed lots of different ideas to solve this problem- some weird and wonderful and some more practical solutions. We also investigated where materials that make our packaging come from, and found that all of them are non-renewable which means they are going to run out! We have discovered lots of problems, and now we will spend the rest of our topic thinking up ways to solve these problems and what we can do starting next week in our capture in which the children will be reusing items we usually recycle/throw away to make things.



In Maths the children have been looking at number place value. We have been such confident learners, and it felt really good reflecting how much more we know about numbers from the beginning of the year. In problem solving we had to think about our learning from the end of last term on fractions. We were all given a strawberry shoe lace and told that it was 1/3. We had to find out what other fractions we could make. We all really enjoyed this and once we had worked out what 1 whole was, we suddenly found we could make all sorts of fractions. Some of us got really accurate, by measuring, and then finding out different fraction of the lengths.


All in all a really exciting start to the term, and we can’t wait for next week with our Forest school capture and Hooke Court.

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