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Love to Read Week! 9.3.19

Love to Read Week! 8.03.19


Everyone in Giant class has loved taking part with our school ‘Reading week’. We have been busy listening to, reading and even writing stories of our own! 


We started the week thinking about pancakes! Miss Stephens told the class the traditional story, the Runaway Pancake. Then we watched another version of the same traditional story on the computer. We noticed some similarities and differences in the two versions. We thought we could write our own version and put in the animals we wanted in the middle! We wrote the story on jigsaw shaped paper to show how the story was added to and got longer. We used the pieces to retell our story, swapping around the puzzle pieces to tell it differently. We enjoyed being story makers!


After watching and learning on the internet about why we have Shrove Tuesday and also retelling the traditional tale of the Runaway Pancake, we all thought it would be a great idea to make our own pancakes! We followed the instructions carefully, weighing out the correct measurements and then whisking the ingredients together. When the pancakes were cooking in the pan we were photographers taking pictures of Miss Stephens cooking them. We even watched as she tried to toss the pancake in the air! We then enjoyed eating our pancakes with sugar and lemon. Yummy!!


We had lots of fun on World Book Day Thursday. There were some fantastic costumes! We especially loved hearing about the characters everyone had dressed up as and looking at the books they were from! Over the day we had to listen out for the school bell, whenever it was heard we had to stop and find a book to read!! (Even the adults!) It was very exciting. Over the week we have enjoyed gathering as a school before home time and listening to a different teacher share their favourite story. We also had the chance to read with our buddies and children from year 3, they read some of their favourite stories to us and we read our reading books to them!
It’s been a busy week that’s hopefully helped to inspire our young readers and help them to feel excited about telling stories!


Next week Science week!! Have a super weekend!


Miss Stephens

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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