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Week 2 - DASP Concert, History of the School and National Trust Projects!

The children have had a super productive day with their trip to the Dorset History Centre and a lesson in the afternoon with Kate Adie.

In the morning, the children learnt about how the Dorset History Centre works, where precious artefacts are kept and how they are stored as well. One of the most interesting parts of the morning was seeing first hand how the centre preserve and maintain artefacts. 
They also found out more information on school life during the 1940/50s. They listened to old tape recordings of interviews about the 'olden' days, did some reading in old 'minute books' containing information about Cerne Abbas First School (or primary school as it was back then) and had a chance to look at pictures of old, noticing the difference between 'then' and 'now'.

In the afternoon, they had Kate Adie come in and she talked about the art of being the best interviewer that we can be. As a class, we had a great discussion on what we need to do before interviews to be prepared,  the best way to sit during interviews, what questions to ask, the best way to start our questions, how to behave during interviews and then, we practised this in partners, focusing on a specific question which could be branched out to ask further questions. 

This is all in preparation to interview past students who went to the school and leads nicely to our 'History of School' day on Tuesday 24th March. This is such a meaningful project as the recordings of these interviews will be stored at the Dorset History Centre as a record of the past.

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
