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World Book day 03.02.16

Today was world book day and we all came dressed as our favourite book characters with our favourite books. Thank you to all the parents that went to so much effort with costumes, we all looked fabulous.

We started the morning with a worship, sharing our costumes and books- even the teachers!! Then we went off into pairs and threes in different classrooms to read to each other. It was lovely learning with children from different classes. After that the teachers read stories in different classrooms and we went and listened to the story of our choice.


After break we read a story by the children's laureate, Chris Riddell, discussing his use of adjectives and verbs. We used the language we had collected to write a short story using Riddell's fantastic pictures as our inspiration. We ended our book day by reading our stories to each other and we plan to take them home and read them to you.

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
