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Pattern Fun! 03.12.15

Pattern Fun!


This week in Giant Class we have been having lots of fun learning about The Gruffalo's Child. In Maths, we have been learning about patterns, Giant Class have absolutely loved learning about patterns and have been making lots and lots! In Phonics this week Mrs Elvish has been teaching the sounds qu, sh and ch. The children have been writing lots of words and captions with these sounds as well as reading lots of words and captions with these sounds in.


We have been learning our special song and dance for the nativity. It is very sweet - Giant Class are going to make fabulous mice and hens!


Tomorrow we will be decorating our classroom so that it looks fantastically festive! From next week onwards we will be using Christmas as a mini topic as we feel the children will love learning about it! They have been very interested in it so far!


Miss Cook




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