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Measuring Up 12.12.13

This week we have continued to improve our skills in measuring accurately. We have moved on to using tape measures to take body measurements. Afterwards, we used these skills to solve some measuring problems: "Is the distance between the tip of your nose to the end of your middle finger one metre?" and "Billy says that the taller you are, the bigger feet you will have. Do you think this is true or false?" The children needed to be considerate learners to think through the processes of tackling these problems.
We have also used our measuring skills in our Science activities. The children have had great fun setting up ramps of different heights, and with different surfaces, and then testing how far their 'moon buggy' would travel. Alongside this, we considered the importance of setting up a 'fair test'.
Rehearsals for our Christmas Show, 'Children of the World' have been going well and we look forward to performing it for you next Tuesday and Wednesday.

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