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Jungle scenes 12.07.13

 This week Trendle Class have begun to think ahead to French Week, which will take us up to the end of term next week. In Art we have begun our study of the French artist Henri Rousseau and his jungle scenes. The children have painted a 2D wash background to which they will add 3D foliage and creatures in our next session. We have also had great fun playing French lotto, with the children becoming much more familiar with recognising and saying numbers from 1-30.
On Wednesday we were lucky to be able to share lots of learning time with Giant Class again. Over in the park we had a go at some more Explorer activities and Alexandra had the imaginative idea of creating face pictures using leaves, twigs, stones and flowers. Later, in the afternoon, Giant Class visited us in our classroom to share the wonderful animal story books that they have made.
Yesterday we focused on writing questions for a Rainforest quiz which we are looking forward to sharing with you at our Learning Exposure on Tuesday (Tuesday, 16th July at 2,45pm). We also have some other Rainforest and Explorer learning that we would like to share with you.

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