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Safe and Secure Week

This week has been 'Safe and Secure Week'.

On Monday we thought about how we stay safe around school, and who keeps us safe. We then decided to make a film for Giant class  about this. I hope to upload the videos onto the site as soon as I learn how!
As a special surprise we had someone in from Dorset County Council to talk to us about fire safety, we all had lots of brilliant  questions to ask.
On Tuesday we thought about e-safety with the help of the e-safety crew who can be found on-line. In the afternoon we had PC Gallaway in to talk to us more about staying safe on-line and e-bullying.
On Wednesday we talked about being safe when we are on our own and how to give first aid. We learnt what to do if someone has a nose bleed, someone who has scalded themselves, someone who is choking, or if we find someone unconscious. We then spent time testing each other, remembering that the most important thing to do in giving first aid is to contact an adult.
Today we have spent time talking more about cyber-bullying and how it might make us feel, and looking at dangers in our kitchens and how to avoid them. 
This afternoon we looked at the Ten Commandments which God wrote to keep people safe. We then reflected on what we have learnt this week about keeping safe, and wrote a prayer or reflection on safety.

This prayer was written by Amelia.

Dear God,
Thank you for keeping us safe and thank you for the Ten Commandments. Please help us follow them from now on. Help us listen to ourself and to do the right thing. Amen

Stay safe everyone.

Miss Clifford

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