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The Nativity Story 7.12.18

The Christmas Nativity story 7.12.18


This week Giant class have been learning about the Christmas story from the bible. We have been learning about Mary and Joseph, and baby Jesus being born in a stable. We have been dressing up as the different characters and retelling the story in our own words.

We have been visited by Tom and Tessa, who are Christian children (rag dolls!). They have been telling us about the things they do at their church to celebrate Christmas how they remember the special story about Jesus being born. At their church they are putting on a Nativity performance, acting out the story for their family and friends to watch. We have started practising for our own school Nativity performance!

We have been learning that Christmas is a special time for Christians because it helps them to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Christians like to give presents because it reminds them that Jesus was a special gift given to us. Christmas is a special time for being generous and thinking about other people. We are counting down the days until Christmas with our advent calendar in the classroom. We are feeling very excited!

We have finished off our week with a festive Christmas meal in the Village Hall with the school and the pre-school. We had lots of fun dressed up in our party clothes, eating our special Christmas food!

18 sleeps Giants!

More Christmas fun on the way next week!

Miss Stephens

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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