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New School Year 7.9.18

An Exciting First Week! 07.09.18


It has been a very exciting week for Giant Class. They have been so confident in starting school and being independent. There have been so many new expectations and routines to learn but they have tried so hard to learn them and after just three days we have seen so much progress! We have talked lots about our learning and Christian values of the week ‘caring’ and ‘friendship’. Giant Class have been particularly caring and have been trying especially hard to be good friends to each other which has been wonderful to see.

Giant Class have been so busy having fun this week by getting to know the school, children and staff. The children have been learning where things are in our classroom with lots of choosing time. We have started our topic 'Marvellous Me.' We have read the story Elmer and thought about what makes us special, painted pictures of ourselves and our friends. We had our first PE lesson on Thursday with Mr Trebble and Mrs Price. We went across the road and played lots of different games, all the children were listening carefully and had lots of fun joining in with the games!

We have also been busy carefully cutting out and making our own listening ears. Today we went on a listening walk around school and across the road. We listened carefully to the different sounds and thought of words to describe the sounds we could hear, ‘whoosh!’ for the wind and ‘squeeek!’ for the gate to the playground. Great listening Giants! Maybe you could put your listening ears on at home over the weekend and listen out for different sounds!

Here's to another great week filled with learning, see you all Monday!

Miss Stephens

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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