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Ready to learn 12.09.14

This week we have been getting used to the weekly and daily routines, and the children are beginning to remember what lessons they have when.

In Literacy we have been writing instructions. The children looked at the artist, Rube Goldberg’s drawings of silly machines that help you do things In everyday life.  We looked at what features of instruction writing he has in his drawings (heading, bossy verbs, bullet points) and the features that he was missing. We then invented our own machine…to take us back in time for our topic, and wrote instructions on how to use it using time connectives and imperative (bossy) verbs.

In topic we have been learning about how a search engine works, and how information is listed in them. We then did as much research as we could into the Iron age (our topic). Once we had gathered as much information as we could, we then thought about what we had not found out, but wanted to, and wrote our questions down.

We also looked at when the Iron Age was in time by making a toilet role time. We were amazed with how far back in time it was, and then how long the Iron Age lasted for. Our toilet role timeline is now up in the classroom.
In maths we have been warming up our maths brains as they feel a bit rusty after 6 weeks off!! We have been looking at place value. There has been some really confident and co-operative learning in the classroom.

The children have been really enjoying PE, and it is great to be part of their lessons. They are learning tennis skills and developing their control of the racket this week.

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
