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The Great Fire Comes to an End! 14.02.20

Thank you to everyone who attended our Learning Exposure this week. The children love sharing their learning with you! Everyone did very well at The Great Fire of London Quiz! 


In class this week we have enjoyed subtracting in Maths and solving word problems. In English we have been writing sentences in using 'and' 'or' and 'but' to make our sentences even more exciting! 


On Tuesday we had Safer Internet Day where we learnt how to be safe online. Please talk to your child about this and see what they can remember! We all shared a story about a dog called Buddy who helped his owner Ben stay safe online. He also had a very jolly song to help us! If you would like to know more about keeping your child safe online please do come and ask me. 


In Science we have been continuing to learn about everyday materials. The Year Twos completed an investigation into how materials can be changed and the Year Ones went on a material hunt around the classroom investigating what materials we have in our classroom! 


This half term, the spelling challenge is to practise writing the days of the week, ensuring your child uses a capital letter at the start. 


Our topic next half term is Fairytale Friendships! Please could every child bring in a Fairytale story that they enjoy for the first day back?


Have a fabulous half term everyone! 

Mrs Cain 

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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