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Investigating and designing 13.02.14

We have had a busy week investigating, designing and constructing. We began the week investigating how we could strengthen a piece of A4 paper to hold up to 1kg of weight. The children considered the problem carefully and came up with a variety of resourceful and ingenious ideas. We then moved on to testing the water resistance of three different materials to find out which would be the most durable. We set up a fair test to compare each material and then considered our findings. The children shared their learning in small groups and it was great to see them being so co-operative together.
On the design and construction front, we have now completed our Fairytale castles and the children have evaluated the success of their models. Today we have had a go at designing and constructing a 'troll' bridge, having shared again the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' from our Literacy learning. The children produced some careful designs and then 'had a go' at building a prototype. 
Today it was also lovely to welcome Mr and Mrs Horsington and two lively 30-day old lambs. The children always enjoy seeing the animals close at hand and having the opportunity to touch them and ask questions about them. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Horsington for making this possible.
In this final week of our learning about 'Super Structures' we have begun to think ahead to next half term when our topic will be 'Food, glorious food!'. The children and I have had a considering and sharing session about this new learning and they have put forward lots of exciting ideas and activities for us to include. We are looking forward to our Learning Capture with Mrs Wilkes at Abbots and lots of other tasty food experiences.

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