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Transfer Day

This week the children have completed the extended writing that they began last week about their Jungle Explorer adventures. They showed themselves to be very conscientious learners, and what exciting and imaginative writing they produced! They are looking forward to sharing it with you at our Parent Consultations next week. 

Following our Mini Beast Safari Hunt last week, we have used the data that we collected to create graphs in 3D and 2D. We then considered which creatures were the most common and least common, and possible reasons for this.

Thursday brought us Transfer Day with next year's Year Ones joining us from Giant Class, and the present Year Twos experiencing life in Abbey Class for the day. We spent time getting to know each other with some Circle Time games, and then some writing and drawing activities about Ourselves. After that we made some 'treasure' boxes which the children took home for the holidays so that they can collect things that are special to them and then bring them in to talk about next term.
Finally, I introduced the children to their new learning topic for September, Captivating Celts. They shared ideas with a Learning Partner about what they would like to learn and how they would like to learn it. We are now looking forward to lots of exciting learning opportunities.

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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