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Jungle Week! 06.06.14

Even though it has been a short week back we have been very busy! We have been making jungle pictures out of shapes, writing about our favourite animals, building jungles from construction materials and working as jungle vets.

In Literacy this week, Giant Class have been writing about their half-terms (which all sounded very exciting!), making lists of what they would put in their rucksack if they were going exploring in the jungle and writing about an animal they would most like to be if they could be one!

In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes this week, we have been using mathematical language to describe and name the shapes.

This week in our class worship we went to visit the Peace garden and looked around for things which we are thankful to God for. Giant Class were then given the decision whether or not they would like to say a prayer to thank God. Most of the children chose to and they all thanked God for creatures, flowers, clouds and birds.

Giant Class came back from their lunch break on Tuesday and were very excited because there were running tracks on the school field. We decided to go across to the field to have our PE lesson and had lots of fun practising our running for Sports Day!

On Friday we had a wonderful afternoon as we had a visit from a fantastic storyteller. He mesmerised the children with music and songs from his ukulele as well as his very energetic storytelling which had us all joining in and giggling too! We went to the Peace Garden for some more storytelling and an activity where we went to find things to put on a plate to leave for the magical green tree men! A huge thank you to Martin for such a wonderful afternoon and also to Lily's parents for getting us in touch.


Miss Cook

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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