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Learning about Hanukkah 23.11.18

Learning about Hanukkah 23.11.18


Giant class have been learning about the Jewish celebration, Hanukkah, this week. We have read the story of Hanukkah together and have been learning how people like to celebrate it. We have discovered people celebrate in a very similar way to Christmas, with presents and food and special time spent with family. Giant class have been writing wish lists for presents they might like to receive! They have also been creating Menorah candle crafts.

We finished our week with a welly walk along the river and into the fields beneath the Giant. We found lots of orange beech leaves on the ground and watched them float and fall in the sky! We could see lots of signs of autumn but also some signs of winter coming. The trees were looking empty and the leaves on the ground were turning brown and sludgy.


Another super week of learning Giant class!


Miss Stephens

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
