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Safety Week - 12.09.13

We have been learning all about keeping safe in school this week. We have been on a walk around the school to look for any dangers and how we can keep safe. We have also thought about how to keep safe in our classroom. 

We have had a visitor in our class this week - a Policeman called Geoff. He came into talk to us about being safe and how Policemen keep people safe. He also told us how to keep safe when we go on the computers. 
We have been considering how God keeps us safe. We have made a class prayer to thank God for keeping us safe: 

Dear God,
Thank you for looking after us. 
Thank you for Mummy and Daddy. 
Thank you for Grandmas, Nannies and Grandads. 
Thank you for the Police. 

We have been continuing to learn our class routines and explore our classroom. 

Miss. Cook

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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