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Whatever Next! 24.1.20

Whatever Next! 24.1.20


This week we have been reading the Jill Murphy story ‘Whatever Next’. In the story baby bear didn’t want to have his bath, while the bath was running he found a rocket, space helmet & space boots and travelled in his rocket out of the chimney and to the moon! He collected a friend on the way and they had a picnic! We enjoyed reading the story and talking about the characters. We have been thinking about what the different characters might say, especially mummy bear!


During the week we had a letter sent to us from baby bear asking for our help! When it was raining on his journey home, his space helmet had leaked and he had gotten wet!! He wanted us to investigate the best material to cover his space helmet to keep him dry.  We put on our science hats!! We made predictions then tested the various materials, recording whether they had been good or not so good with a tick/cross. We then wrote up our findings in a letter to send back to baby bear, advising him on the best material and explaining why. Super investigating everyone!


This week we have also been recapping the names of regular 2D shapes and learning about how to describe and compare their properties. We have been counting and comparing the length of sides and the corners of different shapes. We talked about a circle having one curved side. On Tuesday afternoon we went on a shape hunt in the playground! We worked with a partner to hunt for all the different shapes we could find! We found circles on the tractor wheel and on the friendship bench sign. We found lots of squares on the school fence and rectangles on the gate. We found triangles painted on the playground floor and semi-circle holes inside the climbing wall! We recorded the shapes we found with our partner, drawing lines to 'tally' and record how many of each shape we had found! We used our tables to compare and realised there were lots more squares and rectangles in our playground than triangles!! 

We then put our clipboards away and prepared for our welly walk! We used our special new walking train! We all had a different colour handle to hold, walking along together like a train! On our walk we kept looking out for different shapes! We spotted triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons and diamonds as we walked through the village and into the woods. The closer we looked, the more shapes we noticed...they were everywhere! It was lovely getting out exploring under the blue skies!


We have had a very busy week! We hope you all have a rest and enjoy being cosy at home this weekend!


Next week we will be reading a funny story about some aliens who quite like stealing certain items of clothing from people’s washing lines…keep an eye on your washing this weekend!!


Miss Stephens and Mrs Tite

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