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Underwater creatures! 3.5.19

Underwater animals! 3.5.19


This week we have all been learning about lots of different underwater creatures. We have been watching videos, reading books and using the computer to research different undersea animals! We have been answering some of the questions we had at the beginning of our topic.


Our Giant children have also been looking at the structure of the words in Giles Andreae’s book Commotion in the Ocean, discovering each page is a different poem. We have been looking closely at the patterns of sound in the poems, looking out for descriptive words and words that rhyme. The Giants have been writing their own underwater shape poems! They have been working on using exciting describing words and thinking of our own ideas. We are writing in sentences, trying hard to remember finger spaces between our words and full stops at the end of our sentences. Everyone has been trying really hard to sit their letters on the line, especially inside our shape poem outlines. Our poetry is hanging up in our classroom- make sure you have a look!


Our Ducklings have been growing in confidence exploring their new classroom and have been enjoying learning more about underwater creatures. They have been creating their own underwater pictures, practicing careful cutting skills and using different textures and resources to fill their picture. We have also been enjoying learning lots of new songs and rhymes, particularly with our nursery rhyme bag. Fred the frog has been continuing to help us learn the pictures that match our phonics cards. We have been practising our blending skills with his different fred-talk games!


We are looking forward to learning about more animals next week when we read another of Giles Andreae’s books ‘Rumble in the Jungle’. 


Enjoy your long weekend! See you all for more fun and learning on Tuesday!


Miss Stephens

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