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Our First Week in Reception 11.9.20

We have had an exciting week welcoming our new Giant class children to school! We have been busy learning our new classroom routines and playing with our new friends. We have been reading a story called 'The Colour Monsters' and talking about the different emotions the monsters represent. We have even met some fluffy versions of the monsters! 


On Thursday we had our first PE lesson which was very exciting! In the afternoon we put on our special listening ears and went out on a Listening Walk around our school and the village. Look at Tapestry to see how we got on!


Well done to all our new Reception children! What a super first week we have had! You have all been so confident and have settled into school life with a smile! We look forward to seeing you all again next week!


Miss Stephens & Mrs Tite

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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