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Week 3 Pirates & Mermaids!

This week we have been reading about pirates and mermaids!


On Monday we had been left a letter from a pirate!! It had travelled inside a bottle! The letter was written in pirate speak so it was quite funny! It was also a little tricky to understand! It was from Captain Beastlie! He is quite a messy pirate (we've been reading about him in the story 'Captain Beastlie's Pirate Party' by Lucy Coats). He was writing to us to ask for our help...he wanted some top tips for how to keep his new pirate suit clean and tidy! We had lots of ideas! We wrote letters in reply advising him to have a bath, to wash his clothes and to use a knife and fork when he is eating! 

Have a look at the pictures below to see all the pirate/mermaid themed learning we have been doing at home/at school!

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

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