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Nearly Year Ones! 05.06.13

What an exciting week! Giant Class have been to visit their new class twice!  The children have been telling me all about their visits and what they have been learning. They have told me they have learned how to make treasure boxes, that they have been reading stories and that they have been given special home learning for the summer holidays. Mrs. Bishop says they have all been wonderful to learn with and that they have made a co-operative start with their new classmates. Well done Giant Class!
Animal Stories

Giant Class have been busy this week and last week planning their very own animal stories. They have chosen their own characters, setting and events. We started writing our stories this morning and Miss. Cook has been so impressed with how confident and conscientious Giant Class have been. We are going to read our stories to Trendle Class next week. 

A positive, purposeful and enthusiastic atmosphere

Useful Information
